Bulletin for August 7, 2014

Riverside Country Club where we meet on Thursdays at Noon

Upcoming Rotary Programs

August 14th - President's Round Table Discussion 

August 21st - No Regular Luncheon Meeting; Golf Outing starts
at 2:00 pm at Hobble Creek followed by our Annual Summer
Party at Kelly's Grove in Springville Canyon at 6:30 pm

Report of Provo Rotary Meeting Held August 7, 2014

President-Elect David Rogers Conducts
President-Elect David Rogers conducted todays meeting.  Jill Moon lead the singing of the Nation Anthem and conducted the Pledge of Allegence with Ron Roberts accompaning the National Anthem on the piano.  Following the pledge, Pete Pletsch gave the opening prayer. 

Announcements included our Annual Golf Outing at Hobble Creek Golf Course and Summer Party at Kelly's Grove on August 21st.  Those wishing to attend should signup at the next Club Meeting or email President Ricky Hood or Pete Pletsch your RSVP and the number attending for both activities.  
Guests present at today's meeting included Winston Wilconson and Karen Hatton attending with Alan Blom.  Good to see you again Alan Blom, best wishes for a continued recovery.  Vaughn Park brought Dr. Terra Erickson, a fellow veternarian from his office.  And Joey Hansen was joined by Ginger Bolton and Phil Barker. Sergeant duties were handled by Linda Pemberton.  .  

Vic Ludlow, Frank Gardner, Bruce Gilchrist & Nathan Beesley

August Birthdays were celebrated for David Rogers who was born in Cincinatti, Ohio; Ruth Riley who was born in Cedar City, Greg Hudnall who was born in Nauvoo, Illinois; and Nathan Beesley who was born in Provo.  Sergeant duties were handled by Linda Pemberton.  

Alan Blom - Good to See You!

Alan's Guests - Karen Hatton & Winston Wilconson
Dr. Park's Guest - Dr. Terra Erickson

Joey Hansen's Guests - Ginger Bolton & Phil Barker
Ruth Riley 

Sergeant Linda Pemberton


Vaugh Park introduces todays speaker
Past President Vaughn Park introduced today's speaker, Patti Richards, Director of Great Basin Wildlife Rescue and two associates who helped show-off several wild birds to the club.  Great Basin Wildlife Rescue is one of four licensed non-profits that rescue, rehabilitate and release injured wild animals.  They also perform an educational mission by training volunteers and working in the community to help people understand the habits and needs of wild animals that live in our State.  During the meeting we saw, up close, an Eagle Owl, a Barn Owl and a Red Tailed Hawk.  Dr. Vaughn Park and his guest Terra Erickson provide volunteer service for Great Basin Wildlife Rescue.

Speaker Patti Richards

An Eagle Owl spreads her wings

Eagle Owls close-up
A volunteer shows off a Barn Owl

A Barn Owl close-up
A Red Tailed Hawk

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