Bulletin for August 14, 2014

Ricky Hood and Vic Ludlow visit after Rotary Luncheon Meeting

Upcoming Rotary Programs

August 21st - No Regular Luncheon Meeting; Golf Outing starts
at 2:00 pm at Hobble Creek followed by our Annual Summer
Party at Kelly's Grove in Springville Canyon at 6:30 pm, with 
Dinner served at 7:00 pm in the Steelworkers Pavilion

Report of Provo Rotary Meeting Held August 14, 2014

President Ricky Hood Conducts Meeting

President Ricky Hood conducted todays meeting.  Ruth Riley lead the singing of the Nation Anthem and conducted the Pledge of Allegence with Ron Roberts accompaning the National Anthem on the piano.  Following the pledge, Don Jarvis gave the opening prayer. 

Announcements included our Annual Golf Outing at Hobble Creek Golf Course and Summer Party at Kelly's Grove on August 21st starting at 2:00 pm.  Those wishing to attend should email President Ricky Hood or Pete Pletsch to confirm your T-Times.  The summer Party starts at 6:30 pm after the Golf Outing with dinner served at 7:00 pm at the Steelworkers Pavilion at the Kelly's Grove immediately up the canyon from The Hobble Creek Golf Course.

Chaplain Vic Ludlow had no health concerns to report.  Guests at todays meeting included Greg Taylor visitin from another Club.  Steve Sabins again brought his son Tyler and Ruth Riley brought a friend Alexa Baker.    

Jim Calder with President Ricky Hood
Tom Powell and Dr. Ron Pugh

A thoughful Dean Jackson
Dr. Vaughn Park


Speakers Ed Smart and Carl Bacon
President Elect Designate David Rogers introducted Carl Bacon and Ed Smath of the Elizabeth Smart Foundation.  Carl Bacon talked about his work with the Foundation and a plan to hold a benefit concert at UVU in September for the benefit of the Elizabeth Smart Foundation.  After he spoke, Ed Smart talked about his daughter Elizabeth Smart's ordeal in her kidnapping.  He talked about the emotions of finding his daughter.  He and Elizabeth have formed their Foundation to provide help for abused children and to stop sex trafficing.

Ed Smart shares Elizabeth's story with the Club

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