Bulletin for April 6-12, 2012

Scott Kirkland, General Manager of Riverside Country Club

Upcoming Provo Rotary Luncheon Programs and Events
April 12: Robert Kittell, speaking about how today's decisions will effect your life tomorrow.
April 19: William Black, president of RI Training, speaking about stress and change management, strengthening business and family relationships.
April 26: Utah Senator John Valentine reporting on the recently completed legislative session.

May 3: Kevin Fayles, Community Relations Manager, Envision Utah.

Wednesday evening, May 9: New Member Introduction banquet at Riverside.

May 17: Cathy Warner-Habing, Days for Girls.

May 24: Mayor Jim Evans, City of Orem.

Report of the Provo Rotary Luncheon Meeting held April 5, 2012

Today's luncheon meeting was held at Riverside Country Club. President Steve Densley conducted. Jill Moon and Ron Roberts handled the music and singing. Rev. Dale Jackson offered an invocation.
     Guests today included Dave from Orem Locksmith. Quent Bates introduced his wife Anna. Craig Carlile welcomed his wife Jane. Chief Rick Gregory introduced Provo's Fire Chief Blair Camp. Scott Kirkland introduced his wife Christy. Joey Hansen introduced his wife Tiffany.
     Birthdays were recognized for those celebrating February birthdays: Ray Beckham, Bill Bridges, Steve Densley, Dan Ellertson, Ben Guffey, Scott Miller, Robert Redd, Steve Tolley and Paul Warner.
     Julie Bagley and Mysha Hatch from UVU's Internatiional Service Abroad club presented a short video about a project undertaken by engineering students from UVU and BYU to produce custom-fitted prosthetic limbs from PVC pipe and other common products for around $25-30 each. President Steve Densley then presented them with a check for $3,000 from the Provo Rotary Charitable Foundation for purchase of materials to produce many more prosthetic limbs for people in developing countries. David Rogers stood and pledged another $100 which was quickly matched by five others for a total gift of $3,600.
     Tom Powell announced that the regular May 10 club luncheon meeting will be moved to Wednesday evening, May 9 and devoted to membership development with all members urged to invited a prospective new Provo Rotarian. More later.
     Frank Gardner inducted Janet Russon as a new membeer of the Provo Rotary Club. Janet is the figure skating director at the Peaks Ice Arena at Seven Peaks. WELCOME JANET!
     President Steve Densley awarded the prestigious Paul Harris Fellowship to Dr. Les Smith.
     Julie Bolton introduced today's speaker, Scott Kirkland, General Manager of Riverside Country Club. Scott was a real estate developer for many years before taking the task of redesigning and rebuilding a new golf course, golf shop and clubhouse for Riverside Country Club. That construction will soon be complete with the opening of the newly renovated swimming pool area.
     Scott told several interesting stories about the history of Riverside beginning with the leadership of Roy and Anita Hammond in the 1950s and the organization of the club in 1959. The old Radar club was sold to the Eagles with proceds of the sale going toward purchase of land. Most of the Radar Club members were involved in the formation of Riverside. They purchase 175 acres. The first clubhouse was designed by William F. Ball and built for $350,000. At that time it was way north of the town of Provo and surrounded by farms.
     The new Riverside clubhouse in which Provo Rotary now meets is 30% larger than the former clubhouse. It is now available to non-Riverside members to use for events. They are actively seeking new members.
     Shown below are a few slides Scott showed in his presentation.

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