Bulletin for April 24, 2014

New Member Jonathan Cavender chats with Dean Jackson and Paul Warner

Upcoming Rotary Programs

May 1, 2014:  Stan Lockhart will talk on the Utah STEM Initiative
May 8, 2014:  Becky Lockhart, Speaker of the Utah House, will give
a Utah Legislative update

May 15, 2014: Andy Kirby, Project Director for the Provo City Center Temple
and Emily Utt, from the Chruch History Department will speak about
the new temple being built at the site of the old Provo Tabernacle

May 22, 2014:  Greg Maas, UVU Men's Soccer Coach will discuss his team

May 29, Chief King, Provo Police Chief is tentatively scheduled to speak

Report of Provo Rotary Meeting Held April 24, 2014

President Glen Zaugg conducts today's meeting

Todays meeting was conducted by President Glen Zaugg with Ron Roberts playing the piano and Jill Moon leading the singing of the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  Following that, Ray Beckham, gave the opening prayer.  Chaplain Paul Warner noted that Linda Palmer's father was doing better and announced that Linda Palmer will retiring from BYU this week.  Congratulations Linda on a wonderful career. 

President Zaugg inducts new Member Jonathan Cavender

President Glen Zaugg inducted new member Jonathan Cavender during the meeting.  Jonathan is a local attorney and was introduced to the Club by Steve Densley

Tom Powell gives a sign that might save you $2.00
Tom Powell handled the Sergeant Duties today and focused his questions on Rotary International's Polio Plus Campaign.  The hand gesture in the photo, shows how close we are to eliminating Polio in the World today.  The Polio Plus Initiative began in 1985 and has been very successful.  Rotary District 5420 has challenged us to support this initiative again this year.  Members were encouraged to Donate $32 to this initiative by presenting a check payable to the Provo Rotary Foundation to Pete Pletsch.  He will collect and forward contributions from the Club to the District.

                   Tom Powell recognizes Paul Warner for recent Freedom Festival Concert involving a large number of local youth  


Clark Merkley introduces Provo Board of Ed Group
Clark Merkley introduced a group of presenters from the Provo Board of Education, including Superintendent Keith Rittel, Julie Rash Board Vice President, McKay Jensen Board Member, and Jennifer Partridge Chairman of the Community Committee.  The presentation argued the case for the $103 MM Bond Issue that will be on the Ballot this year.  There are 7 schools that are over 50 years old including Rock Canyon Elementary (in the worst condition), Provo High School, Provost Elementary, Edgemont Elementary, Dixon Junior High School, Wasatch Elementary and Sunset View Elementary.
Provo Board of Education Presentation Group

All of the schools listed are in serious need of replacement due to structural and other defects.  The Board has proposed the Bond Issue to address these needs with the goal of replacing these building with new schools.  There presentation to the Club represents their outreach to the Community to explain the issue and garner support for the proposal.

Jennifer Partridge, Chair of the Community Committee presents
Julie Rash, Vice President of the Board presents

Superintendent Keith Rittel presents

Board Informational Display

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