Bulletin for April 10, 2014

Joey Hansen with Guests Phil Barker & Dennis Worthington

Upcoming Rotary Programs

April 17, 2014: Celeste Mergens, Founder and Executive
Director of Day for Girls International

April 24, 2014:  Keith Rittel, Superintendent of the 
Provo City School District to discuss upcoming bond

May 15, 2014: Andy Kirby, Project Director for the Provo City Center Temple
and Emily Utt, from the Chruch History Department will speak about
the new temple being built at the site of the old Provo Tabernacle

Report of Provo Rotary Meeting Held April 10, 2014

Glen Zaugg conducts meeting

  Todays meeting was conducted by President Glen Zaugg with Ron Roberts playing the piano.  After singing the National Anthem, Glen led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  The opening prayer was offered by Susan Larsen.  

Guests included Elsa Oloffson and Exchange Student at Spanish Fork High School visiting with Ruth Riley.  Danny Prager brought Brian Massey with Atlas Title to the meeting. And Joey Hansen brought former member Phil Barker and Dennis Worthington, his work associates at Intermountain Health Care.  Glen reminded the membership of the District Conference coming up in May.  
Sergeant duties where handled by Tom Powell with appropriate fines issued that support Club service projects.
Guest Elsa Oloffson
Guest Brian Massey

Sergeant Tom Powell assesses fines

Dean Jackson


Clark Merkley introduces speaker Susy Broadbent

Clark Merkley introduced Susy Broadbent, Marketing and Public Relations Director for The Loveland Living Planet Aquarium in Draper.  Susy reviewed for us the history of the Aquarium from it's small beginnings at the Gateway in Salt Lake City to its recent opening in Draper.  The motto of the Aquarium is to "Explore, Study, Learn".  The new facility just West of I-15 in Draper opened March 25th and has been a huge success with attendance far exceeding expectations.  The new facility is truly amazing and features a 300,000 gallon shark tank. 

Speaker Susy Broadbent

Clark Merkley & Susy Broadbent
Speaker Susy Broadbent with Pres. Glen Zaugg

Blue Tang

Clown Fish

Sea Horse
Sea Otter

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