Bulletin for January 16, 2014

Good to be back at Riverside as the new year moves ahead
A Great Lunch with Great Friends 

Upcoming Rotary Programs and Events

  January 23, 2014:  MaKay Crockett, BYU Vocal Point Artisitic Director 
January 30, 2014:  Mark Magleby, Director of the BYU Museum of Art

Report of Provo Rotary Meeting Held January 16, 2014

Todays meeting was conducted by President Glen Zaugg Jill Moon and Ron Roberts provided the music for the singing of the National Anthem.  Jill Moon lead the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and the opening prayer was offered by Sue Larsen.  There were two guests besides our speaker.  Steve Sabins brought his son Ryan and John Lewis brought Kevin Worthlin Advancement V.P. at BYU with our speaker, Derek Marquis, Managing Director of BYU Broadcasting.  Ruth Riley handled the Sergeant duties and fines us all appropriately.

President Glen Zaugg had Teresa Tavares talk about Centro Hispano's projected that our Club participated in through a $1,000 donation to help provide shoes for minority families that are suffering economically.  She reported that Centro Hispano provided shoes to 68 families of which 30 of those families were headed by single mothers.  She also talked about the Three Wise Men Celebration which Centro Hispano sponsored on January 6, 2014. 

Greg Hudnall
Ruth Riley

Vaughn Park & Les Smith

Vic Ludlow & David Rogers
Ron Pugh & Gary Wiest

Pete Pletsch & President Glen Zaugg
Steve Sabins & Gregg Taylor (Visiting Rotarian)


John Lewis introduces of Speaker

John Lewis introducted our speaker, Derek Marquis, Managing Director of the BYU Broadcasting.  Derek talked about the 9 channels that BYU Broadcasting airs.  And he talked about the recent programming shift at BYU TV from being a Utah, Mormon channel to being a Family Friendly, Traditional Values station.  The slogan changed from Keeping You Connected to See the Good in the World.  This change was made at the request of LDS Church.  Since the change, viewership has increased dramatically from being unmeasurable in the channel ratings to over 2 millions viewers per month.  The channel with increased family friendly, traditional values content earned 16 Emmie awards last year.  BYU TV has not abandoned the BYU, Mormon market, as evidenced by the fact that they carried 154 BYU sporting events last year.  Studio C, a values centered, family friendly comedy program has been particularly successful.  Episodes of which on U-Tube have garnered over 24 million viewer.  They also earned an award for the Best Entertainment Program of the Year by a Vatican Council.

Derek Marquis - Managing Director of BYU Broadcasting
Derek Marquis - Speaking

Derek Marquis with President Glen Zaugg

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