Bulletin for October 24, 2013

A Great Lunch with Members and Guests

Upcoming Rotary Programs and Events

October 31, 2013:  Dr. Richard Nielsen and Brent Hunsaker
 of the World of Difference Foundation will speak about
their recent humanitarian expedition to Africa
to which the club donated $1,500. Dr. Nelson
is president of Rocky Mountain University
and Brent Hunsaker is a former 
Channel 4 news anchor.
Report of Provo Rotary Meeting Held October 24, 2013

Ricky Hood conducts the meetin
Today's meeting was held at the Riverside Country Club at Noon with President-Elect Ricky Hood conducting.  Ron Roberts provided the music and Jill Moon lead the singing of the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Dean Jackson introduced his guests, Kyle Hill and Matt Roberts.  Les Smith also brought a guest.  Sergeant Duties were handled by Tom Powell and appropriate fines were issued.  

Guest Matt Roberts

Guest Kyle Hill

Ever cheerful Tom Powell levies fines


Ricky Hood & Speaker Carol Walker
Club member Carol Walker, who is the PR Director for Clear Horizons Academy talked about Autism and the work Clear Horizons Academy is doing to help those afflicted with this disability and their families.  Utah has the highest incidents of Autism in the nation. It is a life long disability that causes those that have it to have difficulty with communication, behavior and social skills.  Boys are four times as likely to display symptoms of this disability as girls.  Carol invited us to continue to be involved with Clear Horizons to help those afflicted.
See the sides of her presentation that follow.

Carol Walker presents her discussion on Autism


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