Bulletin for October 10, 2013

Tom Powell - Sergeant at Arms - Plays "Happy Dollars" (See Below)

Upcoming Rotary Programs and Events

October 17, 2013:  Henry Whiffen will talk about estate planning and how to save taxes
 and share the savings with family and charities.  During his career Henry was been able
 to redirect over $3 billion from taxes to charities for his clients.  He has served
 two LDS missions with LDS Philanthropies helping them secure donations.

October 24, 2013:  Scott Henderson, Assistant Director of Provo City Parks and Recreation
 will give us an update on the New Recreation Center in Provo.

Report of Provo Rotary Meeting Held October 10, 2013 

Today's meeting was held at the Riverside Country Club at Noon with President Glen Zaugg conducting.  Jill Moon lead the singing of the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The opening prayer was offered by Teresa Tavares. We were happy to welcome Al Cutler who has been approved by the Board of Directors to become a new member.  Sue Larsen with Bank of the West has also been approved to become a new member.  Al Cutler and Sue Larsen will be inducted into the club soon.  In the way of announcements, it was again announced that the Club Christmas Party will be held on Thursday Evening, December 19th at the Riverside Country Club.  We thank Scott Kirkland in advance for his help in working out the details for this years party.  Please all mark your calendars, this years event will be another great event in the continuing tradition of the Club.  

Usually we see Jill Moon's smiling face leading us.
This week you can see what Jill sees.  Makes you
appreciate Jill's welcoming smile doesn't it!
Tom Powell conducted "Happy Dollars"
(that's a new one on the editor)
Tom Powell was our Sergeant-At-Arms and solicited statements from Club members regarding things they were happy about.  Here are some happy news items from the group:
-Tom Powell reported a new 8 lb. granddaughter
-Dave Rogers noted his 2nd grand-child's arrival
-Ray Beckham announced his appointment to be the grand-marshall for BYU Homecoming. 
-Carol Walker announced that she had recently completed a home renovation project.  Congratulation Carol, in remodeling projects there are not winner or looser, only survivors. 
-Dean Jackson stated that he was always happy.
What a guy and what a way to be! 
-Ricky Hood repeated Dean Jackson's comment about being happy. You will notice neither were in the picture above.
-Jill Moon noted all was well with her 3rd grand-child.
-Al Cutler celebrated the fact that the stock market was up.
-Vaughn Park was happy about something, but the editor couldn't write fast enough, so you will have to ask him yourself.  See if he remembers.
-Pete Pletsch (editor) reported getting a new job as CFO of Mountainland Supply Company.
-Robert Redd was happy about having been a cheerleader in Teluride, CO (a great place to have lived).
-Kevin Williams reported that he had recently been called as an LDS Bishop.

Tom Powell extracted fat fines from all the above, although there was some discussion that we should give Kevin Williams' back to him with our condolenses.  Actually, we cheered him on for the good work he will do.

The editor acknowledges that he might have missed something in the above narration, for which he expects to pay dearly next week.
Glen Zaugg & Carol Walker

Teresa Tavares

Dave Rogers & Vaugh Park


Carol Walker introduces our speaker
Carol Walker introduced our speaker Diena Simmons who is the Program Director with KBYU Television.  She talked about the importance of early childhood education.  She said that up to the 3rd grade, children learn to read.  But after that children read to learn.  She stated that if children do not learn to read by the 3rd grade, it is unlikely they will learn to read and as a result will likely suffer may social and economic ills later in life.  She said KBYU and Public Television are trying to help children learn basic skills to help them avoid some of these challenges.

Diena Simmons our Speaker from KBYU
KBYU's programs are aimed to help children to:
     1.  Become School Ready
     2.  Avoid Chronic Absenses
     3.  Avoid Summer Learning Loss
     4.  Deal with Family Stressors
     5.  Enjoy Quality of Teaching
Their goal is to help preschoolers to be prepared for Kindergarden and to help Elementary Students to learn important concepts to help them when they are in school and with their interactions at home and with friends.

Carol Walker with Diena Simmons 

Vic Ludlow with talks with our Speaker


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