Bulletin for August 1, 2013

Dean Jackson with President Glen Zaugg

Upcoming Rotary Rotary Programs and Events

August 8, 2013:  Lynn Wardle, BYU Law School Professor will discuss the Same Sex Marriage issue

Report of Provo Rotary Club Meeting held August 1, 2013

Today's meeting was held at the Riverside Country Club at Noon with President Glen Zaugg conducting.  Ron Roberts provided dinner music and Jill Moon lead the singing of the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance.  The invocation was offered by Nathan Beesley.. 

Nathan Beesley
Birthdays of Rotarians born in August were celebrated in the usual way.  Those who have birthdays this month are Nathan Beesley who born in Provo; Greg Hubnall born in Nauvoo, Illinois;  Ricky Hood born in American Fork;  David Rogers born in Cincinatti, Ohio; and Ruth Riley born in Cedar City.

President Glen Zaugg announced that the Club Golf Party and Summer Social will be held on August 22nd and asked everyone to put it on their calendars.  The Rotary District Golf Event will be held on August 28th, details are available on the District Website.  

Greg Hudnall

Ricky Hood

Ruth Riley
David Rogers

There were several presentations made at the meeting.  First, Vaughn Park was presented with a placque for his service last year as President of the Club.  Also recognized where Ray Beckham, Nathan Beesley and Steve Sabins  for their ongoing contributions as Paul Harris Fellows.  And Teresa Tavares was inducted as a new member of the Club.  Teresa, it is great to have you join the Club, we look forward to getting to know you and what CentroHispano is doing to help our community.

Vaugh Park receives his placque
Sergeant-At-Arms Ruth Riley worked through the Live Balance exercise that she handed out two weeks ago.  From the exercise we learned that Ray Beckham, Carol Walker, Vic Ludlow and Steve Sabins really have things together with well balanced lives.  Congratulations guys, may we all learn from your examples.  


Dean Jackson presented as discussion on his endeavors as a Cultural Path Finder.  He talked about the various opportunities he is having helping diverse groups bridge their cultural differences.  He quoted Richard Brislin and Tomoko Yoshida who said "Culture consists of concepts, values, and assumptions about life that guide behavior and are widely shared by people... These are transmiteted generation to generation, rarely with explicit instructions, by parents and other respected elders".  He talked about the need for bridging the gaps between different cultures so they can understand, appreciate and work with each other.  Thanks Dean for your insiteful presentation.

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