Bulletin for September 11, 2014

Upcoming Rotary Programs

September 18th - Mary Crafts will talk about Culinary Crafts

Report of Provo Rotary Meeting Held September 11, 2014

President Ricky Hood conducted today's meeting.  Jill Moon lead the singing of the Nation Anthem and conducted the Pledge of Allegiance with Ron Roberts accompanying the National Anthem on the piano.  Following the pledge, Ron Pugh gave the opening prayer. 

A number of guests attended this week, including Heidi Rester from the Salt Lake City Rotary and her guest Rachel Solomon and Radeen Hadfield from the Women's Leadership Council.  Charlotte Clark also visited the meeting again.  The Chaplain, Vic Ludlow, had no report this week.  Tyler Vigue handled Sergeant duties.


Speaker Janae Moss spoke on the Parent's Council, and the various ways it was meeting across the State.  She talked about the ways members of Rotary could participate and the benefits to the community from the "cafe council" format that the council was using.

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