Bulletin for May 8, 2014

Ron Roberts adds music to the atmosphere of our meeting

Upcoming Rotary Programs

May 15, 2014: Andy Kirby, Project Director for the Provo City Center Temple
and Emily Utt, from the Chruch History Department will speak about
the new temple being built at the site of the old Provo Tabernacle

May 22, 2014:  Greg Maas, UVU Men's Soccer Coach will discuss his team

May 29, Chief King, Provo Police Chief is tentatively scheduled to speak

Report of Provo Rotary Meeting Held May 8, 2014

President Glen Zaugg Conducts
Todays meeting was conducted by President Glen Zaugg with Ron Roberts playing the piano and Jill Moon leading the singing of the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  Steve Densley gave the opening prayer. 

Announcements included Jill Moon announcing the Zions Bank Art Show that will be held Friday, May 15, 2014 at the Zions Financial Center in Provo.  

Art Show Announcement

Jill Moon announces Zions Art Show

Linda Pemberton handles Sergeant Duties
Guests today included Don Savage attending with Ron Pugh.  Steve Savin brought his son Aaron; And Carson Ralphs and Faith Goimarac joined us from the BYU Rotaract Club.  Sergeant duties were handled by Linda Pemberton.

It was announced that District Conference is next week.  Also Boy's night will be an Orem Owlz baseball game on July 18th and the annual Golf Outing and Summer Party will be held on August 14th.  

Rotary District 5420 has asked that all the Clubs in the District participate in a fund raiser for Rotary International's Polio Plus Campaign aimed to eliminate Polio from the earth.  The goal is close to fulfillment with only a few case now being reported in India and Pakistan.  In response to the District's challenge the Board is inviting every Rotarian in Club to participate.  The suggested contribution is $32.00 per member based on the District's request.  However, any contribution of any size will be welcome.  If you would like to participate, please make out a check payable to the Provo
Rotary Foundation and give it to Pete Pletsch.

Ron Pugh with BYU Rotaract Club President Carson Ralphs and member Faith Goimarac
Former Member Don Savage, a Guest
Aaron Sabins visits with his dad, Steve

Steve Densley, President Zaugg & Ray Beckham


David Rogers introduced speaker Becky Lockhart

David Rogers introduced today's presenter, Becky Lockhart, Speaker of the Utah House of Representatives.  She gave a report on the legislative session just completed.  She spent most of her time talking about an initiative to increase technology in education that she has championed and the hot topic of the transfer of public lands to the western states.  

The Technology in Education initiative did not pass this year.  However, Becky felt that it was something that will untimatley be passed.
Becky Lockhart, Speaker of the House

She reported that surveys showed that when technology is used in the teaching process, 81% of the teachers and 86% of the students thought that education was improved.  Becky sited a number of ways that technology improves learning and helps students focus better on learning.

She also talked about the efforts of a number of Western States to have the Federal Government transfer federal lands back to state ownership.  Historically, when states joined the Union, the majority of the land was deeded to the federal government so the United States would have clear title.  The agreement and understanding was that the land would be deeded back to the States after they were granted Statehood.  And this was done in most of the Eastern States.  Now many Western States are lobbying to get the Federal Government to do the same for the Western States.

She also noted the problems of federal mismanagement of the land, including allowing pests like the bark beetle to kill vast sections of the forests which leads to very expensive forest fires.  She felt that the lands would be better managed by the States than the Federal Government.  In addition the States would be benefitted economically by owning the land rather than receiving Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT).

Teresa Tavares and Becky Lockhart

Tom Powell and Becky Lockhart

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