Bulletin for November 7, 2013

Darrell Jakins handles Sergeant Duties with Glen Zaugg looking-on

Upcoming Rotary Programs and Events

November 14, 2013:  Brent Crane, CEO of the Provo
Food and Care Coalition
November 21, 2013:  Andrew K Walker, Investment Advisor
 at Merrill Financial Associates
.November 28, 2013:  Thanksgiving - No Meeting 

Report of Provo Rotary Meeting Held November 7, 2013

Robert & Mary Ellen Redd with Rev. Peter VanHook
Today's meeting was held at the Riverside Country Club at Noon with President Glen Zaugg conducting.  Ron Roberts provided the music and Jill Moon lead the singing of the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Dean Jackson gave the opening prayer.  Guests included Mary Ellen Redd, wife of Robert Redd, David Hanks a guest and fellow banker at Bank of the West with Ricky Hood and Ryan Sabins, son of Steve Sabins.  The chaplain's report informed us that Jim Calder is recovering nicely from his hip replacement surgery.  All were reminded that the Christmas Party will be held on December 19th at the Riverside Country Club. 

Ron Pugh
President Glen Zaugg talked about several funding decisions made by the Club Board of Directors.  Vision for All, an annual international project run by our own Dr. Ron Pugh received a $1,000 grant for next years trip to Africa to provide used glasses to those that can not afford them.  Centro Hispano received a $1,000 grant to help disadvantaged children in Utah County by providing shoes to wear this winter.  Teresa Tavaresis the Executive Director of Centro Hispano.  The Board approved sponsoring 20 additional park benches for Provo City Parks and Recreation in 2014.  Individual club members will be able to partner with the Club to fund these benches, as we did last year.  Finally, funding for our annual Dictionary Project with the Provo School District was approved.  1200 dictionaries have been ordered to distribute to 3rd graders throughout the Provo School District.  If you would like to help distribute the dictionaries, let Pete Pletsch know by email your preferences as to which school(s) you want to visit.  


Robert Redd introduces the Speaker

Reverend Peter VanHook addresses the Club
Robert Redd introduced our Speaker, Reverend Peter Van Hook, Episcopal Priest at St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Provo.  Reverend Van Hook has a broad educational background and has served in leadership of the Episcopal Church in Utah for a number of years.  He has served in Ogden and Salt Lake City before being appointed to head St. Mary's in Provo.

He talked about the history of the Episcopal Church in Utah that dates to the pioneer period in the mid-1800s.  He noted that the Episcopal, Jewish and Catholic faiths were the only religions that didn't come to Utah to convert the Mormons.  He talked about the focus of the Episcopal Church in Utah County which includes a community music program and working to alleviate hunger and homelessness.  They are partnering with the Food and Care Coalition and Habitat for Humanity in these efforts.    

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