Bulletin for November 14, 2013

Pres. Glen Zaugg, Speaker Brent Crane, Robert Redd and next weeks speaker Andrew Walker

Upcoming Rotary Programs and Events

November 21, 2013:  Andrew K Walker, Investment Advisor
 at Merrill Financial Associates
.November 28, 2013:  Thanksgiving - No Meeting 

Report of Provo Rotary Meeting Held November 14, 2013

Glen Zaugg Conducts Meeting
Today's meeting was held at the Riverside Country Club at Noon with President Glen Zaugg conducting.  Ron Roberts provided the music for the singing of the National Anthem which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  Vaughn Park gave the opening prayer.  Guests included Greg Taylor and next week's speaker Andrew Walker.  The chaplain's report informed us that Jim Calder is still recovering from his hip replacement surgery and Steve Tolley's mother passed away this week.  All were reminded that the Christmas Party will be held on December 19th at the Riverside Country Club.  We will gather at 6:00 pm with dinner to follow at 6:30 pm and a program with American Idol signer Carmen Rasmussen after that.

Darrell Jakins handle the Sergeant duties, testing our knowledge about Thanksgiving traditions.  Did you know that the first Thanksgiving in this country occurred in 1621?  That was a pretty good guess but saved a dollar. 

Darrell Jakins, Sergeant-At-Arms
Pete Pletsch, Exec. Director

















Robert Redd enjoys a lighter moment




Robert Redd introduces our speaker
Robert Redd introduced our speaker, Brent Crane, CEO of the Food and Care Coalition in Provo.  Brent talked about the objectives of the Food and Care Coalition.  They are first to create an environment that will elevate the dignity and spirit of their clients.  Second to provide a facility that the community will be proud of, feel safe in, and be comfortable in while rendering their services.  And third to maintain a location that will create and foster community collaboration.

Our speaker talked about the history of the Coalition and the homeless issue in Provo.  He noted that the homeless population in Provo is no very visible to the community.  He said that the Food and Care Coalition tries to provide help and services that will provide an way for those that are homeless to deal with their issues and become regular citizens in the community again.  The goal is to help them with jobs, income and the other resources needed to become self-sufficient.  Clients are expected to provide service in the community for the help they receive.  The Coalition tries hard not to create an attitude of entitlement or dependence.

Brent Crane our Speaker
Brent Crane's talk was well worth the Rotary Pen given in exchange

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