Bulletin for April 4-11, 2013

Ken Alford and Steve Tolley

Upcoming Provo Rotary Luncheon Programs and Events 

April 11: Erika Cohn, Rotary Peace speaker about three female judges elected in a Muslim Palestine 
Linda Palmer
April 18: Matt Montague, former BYU basketball point guard who now works for Hartford Investments

Report of the Provo Rotary Luncheon Meeting April 4, 2013

The meeting was conducted by President Vaughn Park. Dinner music was provided by Ron Roberts. The singing was
Jill Moon
conducted by Jill Moon. Carol Walker offered an invocation.
Birthdays were celebrated for all Provo Rotarians with April birthdays: Julie Bolton, Roger Ford, Dean Jackson, Don Jarvis, John Lewis, Linda Palmer, and Scott Smith.

Paul Warner reported that Strat Wendelboe would enjoy visitors at the Riverwood Specialty Hospital in Provo.

President Vaughn Park reported that our good friend Andy Anderson has resigned his membership in the club.

Dean Jackson is retiring as pastor of the Rock Canyon Church. There will be an open house honoring him April 18 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Riverside Country Club. 
Dean Jackson

President Vaughn Park spoke about the annual Rotary district conference May 3-5, Friday to Sunday in Ogden. 

He also mentioned that donations for the club's pledge to the Provo Recreation Center are still needed. See Vaughn or Ray Beckham or Scott Smith.

Pete Pletsch
Steve Tolley
Pete Pletsch served as sergeant.

Steve Tolley introduced the speaker, BYU professor Ken Alford, author or Civil War Saints. He mentioned that this is 150th anniversary of the Civil War. In 1957 US President Buchanan sent 25% of the entire US Army to Utah to take care of the "Mormon problem." They were headquartered at Camp Floyd, the largest army base in the US at that time headed by General Albert Sydney Johnston. It stayed there until 1861 when it was closed and the troops were returned help in the Civil War. Dr. Alford gave a fascinating presentation about that war and the involvement of LDS soldiers including a group of LDS Saints headed by Lot Smith. Unfortunately the Power Point presentation he showed is proprietary and cannot be shared here.

Lot Smith


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