Upcoming Luncheon Programs and Events
July 21: Linda Palmer, BYU Alumni Association
July 28: Field trip to the Daily Herald
August 4: No luncheon meeting because of evening summer party at Jolley's Ranch
August 11: Field trip to Utah Valley Regional Medical Center. Speaker Steve Smoot.
Provo Rotary Social Schedule for 2011
August 4: Annual Adult Summer Party at Jolley's Ranch
September 15: Annual Club Golf Party at Wasatch Mountain State Park
December 15: Annual Club Christmas Party at Riverside Country Club
Report of the Weekly Luncheon Meeting held July 14, 2011
Today's luncheon was held at the Provo Downtown Marriott Hotel with past-president Steve Tolley conducting. Dinner music was provided by Ron Roberts. Jill Moon lead the singing of the anthem and the pledge. An invocation was offered by Eddie Nunez.
Guests were welcomed:
  • Steve Sabins introduced his guest Paul Glauser, Provo Redevelopment Director
  • John Curtis introduced Provo's new Police Chief, Rick Gregory
Andy Anderson is recovering from pneumonia and was present at the meeting. Dwight Flickinger is not doing better and isn't expected to live much longer. Our best wishes go to Lorna and his family.

Rick Hood was sergeant for the day raising a few dollars for the Provo Rotary Charitable Foundation.

Ray Beckham introduced today's speaker, Roger Thomas, Provo's Director of Parks and Recreation since 1996. He oversees Provo's 45 parks, East Bay municipal golf course, Provo City cemetery and over 21 miles of trails. He spoke about a number of improvement projects underway in the city now:
  • Lakeview Park on the city's west side is now under construction with neighborhood help.
  • The North University Greenway is under construction from 3700 North to 4800 North along University Avenue. Our own club's Dan Ellertson has been involved in guiding this $1 million project.
  • Riverview Park (near the Vintage neighborhood) is getting a new stream bed and water
  • Lions Park is getting a new walking path with the help of neighbors and several Eagle Scout projects.
  • Peaks Ice Arena has a new indoor soccer and football field with new turf.
  • Pioneer Park (Center Street and 500 West) is getting a new water feature with a synchronized fountain to replace the old irrigation ditch that was popular with children for swimming.
  • Lakeshore Trail Head (new) near the lake on Lakeshore Drive is getting three new miles of trails with 24/7 security.
  • Provo City Cemetery is getting full. Six acres is being added which will provide enough new burial plots for the next 35-40 years.
  • Foothill Park is being builg on the old Seven Peaks golf course and will include pavilions, trails and spectacular views.
  • In the future two new projects will be built: Spring Creek Park and a sports facility on North Canyon Road.
The most exciting new project is the Provo Recreation Center which will begin construction in late 2011 with an expected 18-month building schedule opening in the spring of 2013. It will be located adjacent to the existing Veteran's pool and water park at 500 North and 500 West. A bond election passed last autumn with overwhelming voter approval of more than 60%. Design work has been underway for the past several months. It will include pools, a skate park, outdoor tennis courts, a senior center and community meeting space, aquatics features and much more.
According to Roger Thomas: The Future has Never Looked Brighter!

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