Bulletin for July 29 to August 11, 2011

Upcoming Provo Rotary Luncheons and Events

August 4: No luncheon meeting because of evening summer party at Jolley's Ranch
August 11: Field trip to Utah Valley Regional Medical Center. Speaker Steve Smoot.
August 18: Our own Phil Barker will speak on Wills and Trust and basic estate planning.
August 25: Roger Connors, author of The Oz Principle
September 1: - I Ask 4 Kids, speaker Illens Dort
September 15: Annual Provo Rotary Golf Party at Wasatch Mountain State park
Sept 22: United Way Report. Speaker Bill Hulterstrom
September 29: Speaker James Endrizzi of KeyBank about the current lending environment

Provo Rotary Social Schedule for 2011

August 4: Annual Adult Summer Party at Jolley's Ranch

September 15: Annual Club Golf Party at Wasatch Mountain State Park

December 15: Annual Club Christmas Party at Riverside Country Club
Report of the Weekly Luncheon Meeting held July 28, 2011

Members of he Provo Rotary Club met at the Daily Herald for lunch and a tour of the facilities. There is much growth and improvements of which most Rotarians were unaware. At the end of the visit each Rotarian was presented with a newspaper-size front page which is shown below.

Click on this image to enlarge it.

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