Weekly Bulletin for December 3-9, 2010

(L-R) UVU representatitives David Mortensen, Assistant Dean of the College of Technology and Computing, Bill Bridges, Provo Rotarian and UVU Development Officer, and Ernie Carey, Dean of the UVU College of Technology and Computing
Upcoming Provo Rotary Programs and Activities
December 9: Provo Rotarian Dr. Stephen R. Covey: "The Leader in Me"
December 16: Annual Provo Rotary Christmas Party, 6:00 p.m. RSVP required.
December 23 and December 30: No meetings. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
January 6: Hal Wing, founder of Wing Enterprises
January 13: Tom Dickson, found of Blendtec, "Will it Blend?"
January 20: Becky Lockhart, Speaker of the Utah House of Representativies
January 27: Dr. Ned Hill speaking on Provo's natural resources survey
Report of the Rotary luncheon meeting held December 2, 2010
The Rotary luncheon was held at the Provo Downtown Marriott Hotel. President Steve Tolley conducted the meeting. Dean Jackson lead and Ron Roberts accompanied the singing of the Anthem and Pledge.  Rob Avery offered an invocation.

  Dr. Ron Pugh introduced his guest Wendell Fackrell
  David Rogers introduced his guest Michael Dowdle, a well-known guitarist
  Steve Royster introduced visiting Rotarian Rob Shelton of Central Bank and Trust
  Bill Bridges introduced guest David Mortensen, assistant dean at UVU
  Nathan Beesley introduced his wife Elizabeth

Glen Gilliam offered several selections of families who need help this year in the annual United Way Sub-for-Santa program. There are nearly 4,000 children who need help this year. Contact him or Scott Miller if you wish to help.

Stan Miller report on a recently completed trip in Central America with 103 Americans attending to provide humanitarian medical and dental services to those preparing to serve LDS missions. The Provo Rotary club has generously helped provide equipment for these volunteer projects.

Jeff Alexander (pictured at left) served as sergeant and auctioned a quilt made by Tamara Tolley with proceeds going to the Provo Rotary Charitable Foundation. Tom Powell won the auction for $125.

Bill Bridges introduced Ernie Carey, dean of the UVU College of Technology and Computing, the largest college at UVU with more students majoring in one of its departments than any other campus college, a total of 6,113 majors in degrees ranging from Information Science to Mechatronics (robotics), Geomatics (surveying by satellite), to Aviation. He spoke glowingly about the growth of interest in these emerging fields. Most of those who complete graduation requirements in this college remain in Utah for their careers.

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