Bulletin for the week of August 20-26, 2010

Head Coach Dave Rose of BYU Basketball (the tall one) with Stan Miller (left) and President Steve Tolley.

Upcoming Luncheon Programs and Club Events

August 26: Annual visit by District Governor Penny T. Atkinson
September 2: Utah Senator Bob Bennett
September 9: Jim Jackson speaking about nuclear energy, Los Alamos National Labs
September 16: Annual Rotary Golf Party at Wasatch Mountain State Park – no luncheon meeting
September 23: Chris Montague, Utah Nature Conservancy
September 30: Charlie Morgan, BYU professor, immigration specialist
October 14: Hal Black, BYU professor of zoology, ‘Bear Bone Facts’ research and human health

Report of the Provo Rotary Club meeting held August 19, 2010

The Rotary luncheon was held at the Provo Downtown Marriott Hotel. President Steve Tolley conducted the meeting. Jill Moon lead and Ron Roberts accompanied the singing of the Anthem and Pledge. boffered an invocation.


Craig Carlile introduced his guests McKay Pearson and Caleb Frischnek of RQN
Bernie Smith introduced his wife Irene
•Other guests were Terri Sawyer, Gabrielle Sawyer and exchange student Bernardo Spengler

Rotary exchange student Bernardo Spengler from Brazil (left) with Terry Sawyer (Utah Valley Sunrise Rotary Club) and daughter Gabrielle Sawyer who will soon leave for Spain for a year as a Rotary exchange student.

The annual summer adult party is tonight at the traditional location in Jolley’s Ranch in Hobble Creek Canyon. For many this is the favorite party of the year in the beautiful canyon setting. No reservations are necessary. There will be steak and salmon for everyone. Feel free to bring a guest who might enjoy Rotary membership.

Wednesday, September 8, is the annual United Way Day of Caring service event. Provo Rotarians are invited to join others from around the community for breakfast at 7:30 at LaVell Edwards Stadium followed by 4-hours of service.

President Steve Tolley presented a tie to Gary Wiest for being caught wearing a Rotary tie clasp in public recently.

Jeff Alexnader served as sergeant while raising money for the club’s charitable foundation.

Today’s speaker was Coach Dave Rose of BYU Basketball. He spoke about how much he enjoys his job, doing every day what he loves to do. He feels good after a bout with cancer last year. He spoke about the sorts of players he recruits, those with talent (competitive drive), commitment (loyalty), work ethic and discipline. He is always looking for “team” players who will sacrifice for each other in order to make the team successful.

This year will be a test for Jimmer Fredette because of all the attention he’ll receive as a returning all-American. He thinks the most improved player he ever coached was Rafael Araujo. He will miss Chris Miles, BYU’s all-time highest scoring 3-point shooter. Two of his favorite players over the years were Travis Hansen and Lee Cummard because they would do anything for the team without needing personal attention.

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