Bulletin for week of March 19-25, 2010

Four former LDS mission presidents including (l-r) Vic Ludlow, Don Jarvis,
Gary Browning (today's speaker), and Ray Beckham.

Provo Rotary Club, Inc.
Bulletin for week of March 19-25, 2010

2009-2010 Rotary Theme: Moral Literacy for Youth and Adults
Upcoming Luncheon Programs and Club Events

25 March: Utah Senator John Valentine will speak about the recent Utah legislative session.
April 1: Past Rotary District Governor Wally Brown will speak about the upcoming Rotary Council on Legislation.
April 8: Jeff Herring, Executive Director of Human Resources for the State of Utah, will speak about the advantages of the 4-day work week.
April 15: Christina Davis, I-15 Project Communications Manager, and Dave Smith, I-15 CORE Communications Director, will speak on the I-15 expansion project through Utah County.
April 22: Vance Checketts will speak on his recent conquest of Alaska's Mt. McKinley.
April 29: Field trip to the Provo Library at Academy Square for lunch and a tour.

Report of the Provo Rotary Club meeting held March 18, 2010

The Rotary luncheon was held at the Provo Marriott Hotel. President Steve Sabins conducted the meeting. Ron Roberts accompanied and Tom Powell led the singing of the Anthem and the Pledge. Jill Moon offered an invocation.

Guests attending today were:
    •Dan Ellertson, guest of Steve Smith
    •Paul Schwen
, guest of Strat Wendelboe

President Steve Sabins spoke about a district literacy award for which he wants our club to qualify. Part of the qualification process will be a field trip in April to the Provo Library where director Gene Nelson will speak about literacy then give a tour of the facility.

Carl Belliston served as sergeant asking a few members to speak about job changes that have changed their lives.

    •Julie Bolton reported that she went back to school in January to become a yoga instructor.
    •Others discussing occupations were Jeff Alexander, Nate Beesley and Roger Ford.

Don Jarvis introduced today's speaker, Dr. Gary Browning, a Harvard educated linguist who has a long and distinguished academic career including serving as Dean of Honors at BYU. Today he spoke about his experiences as the first LDS mission president called to serve in Russia in the early 1990s. At that time there was no LDS literature in Russian except the Book of Mormon. Russia was a Christian nation for over 1,000 years until the Bolshevik occupation for much of the 20th century. There are now thirteen LDS missions in the former Soviet Union including eight in Russia. He is now serving as an LDS patriarch and travels to Russia to give patriarchal blessings.

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