Bulletin for week of March 12-18, 2010

Provo Rotarian Ray Beckham with today's speaker, Dr. Sam Rushforth.

Provo Rotary Club, Inc.

Bulletin for week of March 12-18, 2010

2009-2010 Rotary Theme: Moral Literacy for Youth and Adults
Upcoming Luncheon Programs and Club Events

18 March:  Gary L. Browning, first LDS mission president and present LDS patriarch in Russia
25 March: Utah Senator John Valentine will speak about the recent Utah legislative session.
April 1: Past Rotary District Governor Wally Brown will speak about the upcoming
International Rotary Council on Legislation.

April 8: Jeff Herring, Executive Director of Human Resources for the State of Utah,
will speak about the advantages of the 4-day work week.

April 15: Christina Davis, I-15 Project Communications Manager, and Dave Smith, I-15 CORE Communications Director, will speak on the I-15 expansion project through Utah County.
April 22: Vance Checketts will speak on his recent conquest of Alaska's Mt. McKinley.

Report of the Provo Rotary Club meeting held March 11, 2010

The Rotary luncheon was held at the Provo Marriott Hotel. President Steve Sabins conducted the meeting. Ron Roberts accompanied and Steve Tolley led the singing of the Anthem and the Pledge. Craig Carlile offered an invocation.

Guests attending today were:
    •Ben Hodges of Central Utah Clinic, guest of Lee Gallagher
    •Carol Jackson, guest of Rev. Dale Jackson
    •Jerry Williams, guest of Stan Miller
    •Dan Ellertson, guest of Steve Smith
    •Tamara Tolley, guest of Steve Tolley

A list of standing committees was distributed by club president-elect Steve Tolley with an invitation to members to sign on for a committee assignment that is of interest.

President Steve Sabins announced two charitable gifts that have been approved by the club's board of directors. One is for $3,400 to purchase two additional portable dental delivery systems (to add to the three the club donated three years ago) for the group Smiles for Central America. The other is $5,000 to help fund the two whimsical statues that will be commissioned to greet visitors to Provo's new commuter rail station now under construction in south Provo.

President Steve Sabins also asked for volunteers to aid in a literacy project that will qualify the club for an award from our Rotary district.

Carl Belliston served as sergeant asking a few members about a favorite book each has recently read. Among those mentioned are:

    •The Road to Quoz (Ruth Riley)
    •The Oz Principle (Larry Mendenhall)
    •Collapse (Jeff Mathews)
    •Emma (Ron Pugh)

Don Jarvis introduced today's speaker, Dr. Sam Rushforth, Dean of the School of Science and Health at Utah Valley University. He gave an interesting and somewhat scholarly presentation about Utah Lake, what it once was and what it might become. Utah Lake is what remains of the mighty Lake Bonneville of past millenia. In the 1800s when the Mormon pioneers came to Utah, the fish from Utah Lake provided their most important source of protein. Until 1953 the lake was the repository of raw sewage from cities along its banks. The lake has become quite turbid in recent years because much of the vegetation is gone which previously kept the waves down. A large multi-year project is now underway to remove the estimated 600-700 million carp that now infest the lake. They are being harvested for use as fertilizer and fish oil. Dr. Rushforth questioned the need for a proposed bridge across the lake and is opposed to its construction because of its possible effect on ice floes and sail boating. He is a member of a group studying ways to make the lake more "user friendly" for recreational activities.

    Paul Harris Fellowships Awarded

Provo Rotary Club is well on its way to becoming a 100% Paul Harris Fellows club with more than 90% of members now owning this honor. Paul Harris Fellowships were awarded to six deserving Provo Rotarians: Larry Mendenhall, Jeff Mathews, Joey Hansen, Carol Jackson, John Lewis and Monty Groesbeck. There are several more Paul Harris fellowship recipients who will be honored in upcoming luncheon meetings.

L-R Joey Hansen, John Lewis, Larry Mendenhall.
Not pictured: Monty Groesbeck, Carol Jackson and Jeff Mathews.

    Parting Shot

In times of change it is the learners who inherit the future. Those who have finished learning find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists.                                             ~Eric Hoffer

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