June 15, 2017

This week, we were pleased to have Dr. Larry Walters as the guest presenter at the Provo Rotary Club.

Dr. Walter's presentation was entitled "How cities across the nation are using evidence, data and evaluation to achieve their goals." He spoke about an exciting tool that he proposes using in Provo that focuses on data, information, and analysis to do a better job of studying what is happening and how it could be improved. This system is called citistat and had been used in various communities throughout the nation with great success.

Dr. Walter's research has received national awards for excellence. He has served as an adviser to a dozen countries and to Federal, state and local governments​ (including Provo's)​across the United States. He is the author of four books, over 70 peer-reviewed articles and numerous research reports. He recently completed a co-edited volume on property tax policy and administration and a property tax policy guide for developing countries. His most recent work is focused on developing land-based financing tools and training materials for local governments. 

Data should drive decisions and when performance is measured and reported, especially publicly, then performance improves.

Larry Walters recently announced his candidacy for Provo Mayor. He said that he decided to enter the race because he feels that his experiences and knowledge make him the best candidate. We wish him well in this undertaking and encourage Rotarians and others to participate in the electoral process including voting in the city-wide primary in August.

Club President Don Jarvis conducts

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