June 22, 2017

George B. Handley, BYU Professor of Interdisciplinary Humanities was the guest presenter at Provo Rotary this week. George is also a candidate for the Provo City Council in District 2. 

George Handley with Club President Don Jarvis
George's interests, civic engagement, and scholarly work involve a fascinating intersection between religion, literature, and the environment. He shared with the club how his pragmatism and penchant for listening, learning, and considering various viewpoints prepares him to be an active and engaged participant on Provo's City Council. 

George discussed his interest in wise and appropriate care for the environment, the value of arts and culture in building a sense of community, and how he believes that we can protect the family neighborhoods while being smart about the future of Provo. 

George Handley actively listening to Robert Redd
He expressed the sentiment that his values are guiding him and that his is committed to learning all he can, while fostering dialogue and active conversation. 

The Club wishes him well in his civic and academic endeavors. 
The Club was also pleased to have some first time visitors in attendance and hope that they will come again and that others will come too! 

We look forward to seeing you on June 29th when we will be installing new officers for the 2017-2018 year!

Craig Carlisle introduces his guest
Logan Moffett visits for the first time

Tom Powell introduces a visiting Rotarian from New Mexico

Ruth Riley leads the Club in the Four Way Test

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