Bulletin for September 18th, 2014
Report of Provo Rotary Meeting Held September 18, 2014 President Ricky Hood conducted today's meeting. Dean Jackson lead the singing of the Nation Anthem and conducted the Pledge of Allegiance with Ron Roberts accompanying the National Anthem on the piano. Following the pledge, Vaughn Park gave the opening prayer. A number of guests attended this week, including Greg Taylor from Spanish Fork along with several guests from BYU-Rotary. Charlotte Clark also visited the meeting again. The Chaplain, Vic Ludlow, was not there so Jonathan Cavender handled the chaplain duties for the week. Tyler Vigue handled Sergeant duties, asking BYU football trivia, and the fines were used to support Provo High School students. SPEAKER Speaker Mary Craft spoke on her experiences in business, her lessons that she learned ("I don't expect perfection, I expect excellence" and "You cannot consec...