Bulletin for April 19-25, 2013.
Steve Tolley, Glen Zaugg and today's speaker, Matt Montague of Hartford Investments. Upcoming Provo Rotary Luncheon Programs and Events April 25: Provo Mayor John Curtis about Google's announcement concerning iProvo Report of the Provo Rotary Luncheon Meeting April 81, 2013 President-elect Glen Zaugg The meeting was conducted by President-elect Glen Zaugg. Dinner music was provided by Ron Roberts . The singing was conducted by Jill Moon. Steve Sabins offered an invocation. Linda Palmer, Joan Dixon Jose Enriquez Guests included Joan Dixon and Jose Enriquez , guests of Linda Palmer . Paul Warner reported that Strat Wendelboe has been moved to Provo Rehab and is growing weaker. President-elect Glen Zaugg reported that pledges are still needed for the climbing wall at the Provo Recreation Center. The club's pledge is $50,000 over three years. Just over half that amount has been pledged by club m...