
Showing posts from April, 2013

Bulletin for April 19-25, 2013.

Steve Tolley, Glen Zaugg and today's speaker, Matt Montague of Hartford Investments. Upcoming Provo Rotary Luncheon Programs and Events   April 25: Provo Mayor John Curtis about Google's announcement concerning iProvo Report of the Provo Rotary Luncheon Meeting April 81, 2013 President-elect Glen Zaugg The meeting was conducted by   President-elect Glen Zaugg. Dinner music was provided by   Ron Roberts . The singing was conducted by Jill Moon. Steve Sabins offered an invocation. Linda Palmer, Joan Dixon Jose Enriquez Guests included Joan Dixon and Jose Enriquez , guests of Linda Palmer . Paul Warner reported that Strat Wendelboe has been moved to Provo Rehab and is growing weaker. President-elect Glen Zaugg reported that pledges are still needed for the climbing wall at the Provo Recreation Center. The club's pledge is $50,000 over three years. Just over half that amount has been pledged by club m...

Bulletin for April 12-18, 2013

Provo Rotary President Dr. Vaughn Park with speaker Erika Cohn, Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar Upcoming Provo Rotary Luncheon Programs and Events   April 18: Matt Montague, former BYU basketball point guard who now works for Hartford Investments April 25: Provo Mayor John Curtis Report of the Provo Rotary Luncheon Meeting April 11, 2013 The meeting was conducted by   President Vaughn Park . Dinner music was provided by   Ron Roberts . The singing was conducted by Tom Powell . Julie Bolton offered an invocation. Guest included Heather Rogers , wife of David , and David Kinkaid , guest of Steve Tolley . Tom Powell reported that Strat Wendelboe is very weak as he spends time in the Riverwoods Specialty Hospital recovering from pneumonia. Scott Smith spoke about raising money for the club's pledge of $50,000 for the new Provo Recreation Center's bouldering wall. Ray Beckham spoke about the twenty park benches being donated b...

Bulletin for April 4-11, 2013

Ken Alford and Steve Tolley Upcoming Provo Rotary Luncheon Programs and Events   April 11: Erika Cohn, Rotary Peace speaker about three female judges elected in a Muslim Palestine   Linda Palmer April 18: Matt Montague, former BYU basketball point guard who now works for Hartford Investments Report of the Provo Rotary Luncheon Meeting April 4, 2013 The meeting was conducted by   President Vaughn Park . Dinner music was provided by   Ron Roberts . The singing was Jill Moon conducted by   Jill Moon . Carol Walker offered an invocation. Birthdays were celebrated for all Provo Rotarians with April birthdays: Julie Bolton, Roger Ford, Dean Jackson, Don Jarvis, John Lewis, Linda Palmer, and Scott Smith. Paul Warner reported that Strat Wendelboe would enjoy visitors at the Riverwood Specialty Hospital in Provo. President Vaughn Park reported that our good friend Andy Anderson has resigned his membership in the club. D...

Bulletin for March 29 to April 4, 2013

Utah House Speaker Rebecca Lockhart and Provo Rotary President Vaughn Park Upcoming Provo Rotary Luncheon Programs and Events   April 4: Ken Alford, BYU Professor, author of Saints and the Civil War. Former Dean of Army War College April 11: Erika Cohn, Rotary Peace speaker about three female judges elected in a Muslim Palestine April 18: Matt Montague, former BYU basketball point guard who now works for Hartford Investments  Report of the Provo Rotary Luncheon Meeting March 28, 2013 The meeting was conducted by   President Vaughn Park . Dinner music was provided by   Ron Roberts . The singing was conducted by   Jill Moon . Ruth Riley offered an invocation. Bruce and Janice Gilchrist Robert and Mary Allen Redd Ray and Janette Beckham Judy and Vaughn Park Guests included Janette Beckham, Janice Gilchrist, Judy Park and Mary Allen Redd , all wives of Rotarians.   Paul Warner reported that Strat ...