Bulletin for February 8-14, 2013

BYU President Cecil O. Samuelson with Provo Rotary President Vaughn Park

Upcoming Provo Rotary Luncheon Programs and Events

February 14:Dick Hunsaker, UVU basketball coach
February 21: Kim Frank, Exec Director Utah Charter Network on education initiatives and charter school system in Utah
February 28: Michael Dowdle, musician and entertainer on concert festival possibilities.

Report of Provo Rotary Luncheon Meeting February 7, 2013

The meeting was conducted by President Vaughn Park. Dinner music was provided by Ron Roberts. The singing was conducted by Jill Moon. John Lewis offered an invocation.

Robert Strain
Frank Gardner greets Jim Ahlander
Guests included Robert Strain, guest of Steve Sabins and Jim Ahlander, guest of Jim Calder.

Birthdays were celebrated for Rotarians with birthdays in January and February: Ray Beckham, Bill Bridges, Steve Densley, Dan Ellertson, Ben Guffey, Linda Pemberton, Robert Redd, Steve Sabins, Steve Tolley and Paul Warner.
Steve Sabins

Robert Redd
President Vaughn Park announced that the deadline for attending the Rotary Peace Forum in Hiroshima, Japan has been extended to February 8.

The annual Utah district conference will be held May 3-5 in Ogden. You may register online.

Chris Matthews, new Provo Rotarian
Ray Beckham

Our club has been contacted the American Red Cross asking our club to conduct a blood drive. If you are interested in participating, probably in April, please contact President Vauthn Park.

President Vaughn Park welcomed Chris Matthews as a new Rotarian. Welcome Chris!

Pete Pletsch
Pete Pletsch served as sergeant for the day with BYU trivia.
John Lewis sings the Cougar Fight Song

David Rogers introduced President Cecil O. Samuelson, now in his 10th year as president of BYU, who is today's speaker. Over the years BYU has awarded nearly 300,000 degrees.

We sang the BYU fight song in his honor.

President Samuelson spoke about the change in age for missionary service and how it will impact BYU enrollment. They won't really know until registration for next autumn semester with a deadline in April. The university will hold all scholarships for two years and one semester for those who wish to serve missions but the university will not be loosening its entrance requirements.

BYU President Cecil O. Samuelson
As for the MTC which is located on the BYU campus, time spent at the MTC by outgoing missionaries will be cut by 1/3. Some BYU facilities will be used for the MTC such as Wyview housing, Amanda Knight Hall and others.

He spoke at some length about the redesign of the campus which will begin this summer. Campus Drive will be closed to thru traffic, 170 new visitor parking spaces will be added to the lots near the Harris Fine Arts Center and the Museum of Art. Buses will be redirected to new loading and drop-off spots on 900 East. There will be fewer cars on campus with its new pedestrian-friendly and bicycle-friendly design. For students who choose not bring cars to school Hertz has partnered with the university to offer hourly car rental.

BYU is becoming greener by doing all heating now with natural gas rather than coal.

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