Bulletin for February 1-7, 2013

Utah Governor Gary Herbert with Provo Rotary president Vaughn Park.

Upcoming Provo Rotary Luncheon Programs and Events

February 7: Cecil O. Samuelson, President of BYU

February 14:Dick Hunsaker, UVU basketball coach
February 21: Kim Frank, Exec Director Utah Charter Network on education initiatives and charter school system in Utah

February 28: Michael Dowdle, musician and entertainer on concert festival possibilities.

Report of Provo Rotary Luncheon Meeting January 31, 2013

The meeting was conducted by President Vaughn Park. Dinner music was provided by Ron Roberts. The singing was conducted by Jill Moon. Steve Densley offered an invocation.

Guest included Elizabeth Beesley, wife of Nathan; Keith Frogley, father-in-law of Dan Ellertson; Janice Gilchrist, wife of Bruce; Jon Clark, friend of Don JarvisBecky McDermott, friend of Jill Moon; Mary Allen, wife of Robert Redd; Heather Rogers, wife of David; Calvin Wendelboe, son of Strat; Sharon Wiest, wife of Gary; plus Derek Miller and Mike Mower from Governor Herbert's staff and two members of the Utah Highway Patrol accompanying the governor.

President Vaughn Park reminded board members of the monthly board meeting next Thursday, February 7.

Eric Lafferty
Stan Miller introduced Eric Lafferty of the Utah Valley United Way as a new Provo Rotarian. Welcome Eric!

Greg Hudnall

Greg Hudnall served as sergeant for the day.

Jeff Alexander introduced today's speaker, the honorable Gary Herbert, 17th Governor of Utah. He began by reading a letter from a 3rd-grade boy named Morgan. It brought a few laughs. One of the questions Morgan asked was what is the most fragile thing in the state capitol building. The governor said it had to be the egos of the stage legislators.

Jeff Alexander
The governor is obviously proud of Utah which has the most volunteers of any state in the nation -- nearly half of all Utahns. Utah provides fertile soil for businesses, especially in Utah Valley. The government of the state is the leanest and meanest of any US state with only one state employee for every 139 citizens, down from one in every 115 in 2001. Utah, especially Utah Valley, has a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Utah has the lowest violent crime rate of any US state.

The governor commented that the private sector is much more efficient at delivering all types of humanitarian help than any government program, especially entitlements.

Governor Gary Herbert
Governor Herbert recently took a trip to China hosted by the Chinese director of economic development. He said the Chinese know LOTS about Utah and are very aware of the favorable economic climate here.

Fifty-two percent of all pollution in Utah is from autos, one of the reasons the state has spent $billions on transportation projects in the past decade. He praised businesses which permit telecommuting, particularly Utah Valley which is the leader in technology.

Val Hale with Governor Herbert

Utah has the lowest energy costs of any US state.

Former missionaries in the Eastern Atlantic States Mission

Carol Walker with Governor Herbert

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