Bulletin for week of September 30 to October 6, 2011

Blaine Yates, left, CEO of Xlear, with Ben Guffey, Rotary Program Chair for September
and Steve Sabins, past-president of the Provo Rotary Club.

Upcoming Provo Rotary Luncheon Meetings and Events 

October 6: Provo City School District with Greg Hudnall and Superintendent Randy Merrill.

October 13: Mark Philbrick, BYU photographer with a historical review in pictures of BYU.

October 20: Annual Club Assembly. Sit with members of your Rotary committee to discuss plans for the year. Organizer: Linda Pemberton.

October 27: United States Senator Orrin Hatch
November 3: BYU Basketball Coach Dave Rose

December 1: Kevin Garlick, Head of Provo City Power, speaking on cost-effective initiatives at PCP.
December 8: David Hall, President of Novatek, speaking about his innovative firm and its Vista program for efficient housing.

December 15: Annual Club Christmas Party at Riverside Country Club

Report of the Weekly Luncheon Meeting held September 29, 2011

      Today's luncheon meeting was held at Riverside Country Club. President Steve Densley conducted with Ron Roberts at the piano and Tom Powell leading the crowd in singing the Anthem and reciting the Pledge. An invocation was offered by Dave Rogers.
      Guests included Matt Siufanua, guest of Provo City Police Chief Rick Gregory; Matt Holley of the Provo School District, guest of Greg Hudnall, and JeriLin Bearnson, guest of David Rogers. Also visiting were Aaron Mitchell, president of the BYU Rotaract Club and Blake Romney from Provo Channel 17 who tapes and airs our weekly programs.
      Greg Hudnall served as sergeant for the day with his usual robust wit raising a few dollars for the club's charitable foundation.
      Ben Guffey introduced today's speaker, Blaine Yates, CEO of XLEAR, Inc., an Orem company which markets products with a natural sweetener called Xylitol. This product, derived from the bark of birch trees, was discovered in the 1890s. It was found to have a chemical component which helps prevent tooth decay by as much as 80% in children. It has a VERY LOW glycemic index which makes it a good sweetener for those with diabetes.
      Xlear markets several products with Xylitol including nasal spray, chewing gum, Xylo Sweet sugar substitute, candy and a line of dental products including a whitening kit.
      They are building a new 90,000 square foot headquarters building near I-15 in American Fork but for the time being they continue to manufacture out of their facilities in Orem.
      Xlear products are widely available in health food stores and through dental supply companies. They have more than 100 employees.

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