Weekly Bulletin for February 25 to March 3, 2011

Speakers Mark Vogle and Brent Wilde from Provo City with Tom Powell,
Provo Rotary program chair for February.

Upcoming Luncheon Speakers and Events

March 3:  Brent Crane, Provo Food Care and Coalition --
how it works and how the community can help.
March 10:  Ronnie Daniel, The Living Planet Aquarium.
March 24:  Representative Dean Sanpei -- Impressions of a first term legislator.
March 31:  Jane Carlile -- The Circles Initiative.

Report of the Rotary luncheon meeting held Thursday, February 24, 2011

The meeting was conducted by President Steve Tolley. Ron Roberts played dinner music and accompanied the Anthem which was lead by Jill Moon. Craig Carlile offered an invocation.

Dean Jackson introduced his son AJ Jackson, a visiting Rotarian.
Dr. Ron Pugh introduced his associate, Ryan Hayes.


Paul Harris Fellowship Matching Funds Available for a Limited Time

Through a program funded by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Provo Rotary Club has become the recipient of several thousand dollars in matching funds which can be used to help Rotarians to...

...Become Paul Harris Fellows,
...Double new cash donations for those who are already Paul Harris Fellows, or
...Gift a Paul Harris Fellowship to a friend, employee or loved one.

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International (TRF) established the Paul Harris Fellowship program to honor those who contribute $1,000 or more to TRF. Now, for a limited time anyone may become a Paul Harris Fellow for a contribution of only $500.

 More than 90% of all Provo Rotarians are Paul Harris Fellows.

Please contact Stan Miller, Steve Sabins or Jack May if you wish to take advantage
of this wonderful limited-time offer.


President Steve Tolley announced that the Utah Rotary District will be hosting a torch run to raise money for polio eradication on May 7 at the UVU track. More later.

President Steve Tolley awarded his monthly "Ties that Bind" award to our club's oldest member,
Dr. John Rupper, who turned 95 on February 18.

Greg Hudnall served as sergeant using some US presidential trivia.

Tom Powell introduced Brent Wilde and Mark Vogle of Provo City who spoke about the city's 2030 vision project which has involved more than 100 of the city's influential members who have developed guidelines for directing the city's growth. More than a dozen sub-committees served as well. To view the video which was shown or to make your own comments about the city's growth visions, click on this link:

Upcoming Provo Rotary Club Programs and Activities

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