Bulletin for the weeks of October 1-7, 2010

Upcoming Luncheon Programs and Club Events

October 7: Provo Mayor John Curtis and Greg Hudnall,
Provo Recreation Center Bond Election in November
October 14: Hal Black, BYU Zoology Prof, Bear Bone Facts…bear/human osteo connection
October 21: Secret Lives of Rotary Guys – Exposed!
October 28: Dream Team of Estate and Tax Planning – bring it on!
November 4: Jeff Maxfield, UVU School of Public Service
November 11: Special Veterans Day Recognition with Boy Scouts of America
November 18: Ernie Carey, UVU, Advancements in Computer and Technologies
November 25: Thanksgiving — no meeting
December 9: Provo Rotary's Dr. Stephen R. Covey: "The Leader in Me"
December 16: Annual club Christmas party at the Provo Marriott

Report of the Provo Rotary Club meeting held September 30, 2010

The Rotary luncheon was held at the Provo Downtown Marriott Hotel. President Steve Tolley conducted the meeting. Tom Powell lead and Ron Roberts accompanied the singing of the Anthem and Pledge. Kirk Parkinson offered and invocation.


•Dean Jackson introduced his guest Rev. Jessica Hatch
•Robert Reddd introduced his wife Mary Redd

President Steve Tolley awarded his monthly "Ties that bind" award to Linda Palmer for her general loveliness and for her leadership of our club’s annual charity golf tournament. However, in this case he presented her a quilted apron which she modeled for the club.

Kris Forbush served as sergeant asking trivia about cartoon characters. This was done in honor of today’s 50th birthday of the Flintstones, the first animated television cartoon series for prime time viewing.

Robert Redd introduced Charlie Morgan (see photo below), a BYU professor of sociology who presented a fascinating study of illegal Hispanic immigrants in Utah as related to crime. He noted the Hispanic population of Utah has grown from around 30,000 in 1978 to around 300,000 now. Approximately 3.8% to 5.4% of them are illegal. The exact number is not known. He presented a bewildering array of statistics to show that illegal Hispanic immigrants don’t seem to commit crimes at any higher rate than the general population in Utah, and perhaps at an even lower rate.

                                              Today's speaker Dr. Charlie Morgan with Rotarian Robert  Redd.

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