Bulletin for week of May 14-20, 2010

Speaker George Van de Woer of the United Way of Utah Valley.
2009-2010 Rotary Theme: Moral Literacy for Youth and Adults
Upcoming Luncheon Programs and Club Events

May 20: Larry Duffin, BYU Director of Special Events, speaking about growing safety concerns in major public assembly facilities
May 27: Jan Scharman, BYU VP of Student Life
June 3: Paul Glause on the future of downtown Provo
June 17: Dr. Alina Fong speaking on UVRMC’s NeuroRehab program.
June 10: David Bayles on the Boys and Girls Club of Utah Valley
June 24: Alan Heath from the LDS Church on Family History activity
July 1: New officer inductions

Report of the Provo Rotary Club meeting held May 13, 2010

The Rotary luncheon was held at the Provo Marriott Hotel. Greg Hudnall conducted the meeting. Ron Roberts accompanied and Don Jarvis lead the singing of the Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance. David Rogers offered an invocation.

The annual Girls Night social event for all Rotarians and their families will be held Tuesday evening, May 25 with a 5:30 dinner at the Provo Downtown Marriott Hotel followed by a walk to the Covey Center for a performance of the Wasatch Chorale. Each Rotarian and one guest are invited at no charge. Additional guests will be billed extra on the Rotarian’s quarterly statement.

President Steve Sabins announced that the district has a large number of points which can be used to match donations made to the Rotary International Foundation. This will be of particular interest to those who are not yet Paul Harris Fellows, or who wish to give a Paul Harris Fellowship to a family member or other loved one. A Paul Harris Fellowship is usually awarded for a $1,000 donation. In this case, the donation amount would be lowered to $500 and the matching points would complete the requirement for a Fellowship. See Stan Miller for more information. More than 85% of Provo Rotarians are now Paul Harris Fellows.

Linda Palmer introduced George Van de Woer, a volunteer with the United Way of Utah Valley, who spoke briefly about Americor Vista and its activities in Utah Valley. He then spoke at length about preparedness. In our area the most likely disasters are flooding and earthquake. In an emergency always call “2-1-1", a nationwide network of community preparedness organizations. You may also call “2-1-1" to register to volunteer in case of emergency.

Among his recommendations were:

    •Store what you eat and eat what you store
    •Have a supply of cash in small bills in your emergency kit or bag
    •Failing to plan is planning to fail

For more information go to


He also distributed lists of items that might be useful to consider as you collect emergency items.

Local, Community Projects

Provo Rotary Club Charitable Golf Tournament - June 21, 2010 Riverside Country Club
We are beginning the planning for our annual golf tournament that benefits children’s charities.
We will again be teaming with the America’s Freedom Festival at Provo to make our event a
part of the month-long activities of the Festival. Contact Linda Palmer, Committee Chair, for
more information or if you desire to be involved in some way. linda.palmer@byu.edu.

District Conference is in St. George this year on May 13-15, and is called Rendezvous at the
Confluence. We encourage all Provo Rotarians to support our District Leadership, your own
hedonistic tendencies (vacation in St. George), and to increase your knowledge about Rotary to
plan for and attend this conference.

Provo Rotary Club is teaming with Provo City to be involved in providing needed amenities for
a public park in Provo. Stay tuned as more information is divulged on which park and what kind
of assistance we will provide. Our Club leadership is also proactive in discussions with the City
on the future needs of a proposed new city recreation center.

Rotaract - Is still planning a concert to raise the majority of the needed funds for their
humanitarian project benefiting Kenyan school children. This large-scale project will donate all
net proceeds to the Koins for Kenya Project which builds schools and clean water wells for
children in Kenya. Our Club’s support is vital during the fund raising portion of the project. We
will be assisting with prepayments for performers and venues, advertising, and organizing
activities. This project is being pushed back to later in the year.

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