Bulletin for week of March 26 to April 1, 2010
Senator John Valentine speaks to Provo Rotary Club. Provo Rotary Club, Inc. Bulletin for week of March 26 to April 1, 2010 2009-2010 Rotary Theme: Moral Literacy for Youth and Adults Upcoming Luncheon Programs and Club Events April 1: Past Rotary District Governor Wally Brown will speak about the upcoming Rotary Council on Legislation April 8: Jeff Herring, Executive Director of Human Resources for the State of Utah, will speak about the advantages of the 4-day work week April 15: Christina Davis, I-15 Project Communications Manager, and Dave Smith, I-15 CORE Communications Director, will speak on the I-15 expansion project through Utah County April 22: Vance Checketts will speak on his recent conquest of Alaska's Mt. McKinley April 29: Field trip to the Provo Library at Academy Square for lunch and a tour May 6: Derek A. Marquis, Managing Director, BYU Broadcasting May 13: Annual evening Rotarians and their girls social activity May 20: Larry Duf...