June 30, 2016

Today we had the change of leadership. The president who is leaving, David Rogers, summarized the highlights of his year leading Provo Rotary--recruiting Cindy Jenkins as secretary, planning a charity golf tournament with Rocky Mountain University of Health Care, supporting two Rotary foreign exchange students, and supporting Rotary International's Polio Plus fund with $1,248 from weekly fines.  David then swore in Don Jarvis and the new Board of Directors:  Al Cutler, Joey Hansen, Darrel Jakins, Ron Pugh, and Carol Walker, with President-elect Nate Beesley and President-elect-nominee Ruth Riley (excused).  Don introduced new Sergeant-at-Arms chair Ray Beckham, Program Chair Pete Pletsch, and Social Chair Vaughan Park, all of whom told of their plans to increase friendship, fun, and local service for the coming year.

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