This past week we were happy to hear from Mike Plowman with Bridle Up Hope. This organization uplifts and encourages women ages 12-25 through private riding lessons and by being naturally taught the seven habits of highly effective teens. Each girl is taught to have a plan for their ride and a plan for their life. Ninety-eight percent of the girls who start the program finish and their parents attest that the program makes a big difference in the lives of their girls. Bridle Up Hope would like to create a sustainable model in order to help tens of thousands of girls world wide. People from Japan, Dubai, and Estonia are already reaching out to start their programs. They will be hosting a golf tournament in April and a gala in October. Visit for more information. 

This week we will hear from Mike Kipp, a former Navy Seal who is running for County Commissioner. 

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Bulletin for April 6-12, 2012