Bulletin for October 2, 2014

Upcoming Rotary Programs

October 9th - Dr. Michael Savoie, speaking on computers and law enforcement
October 16th - Keith Jensen from UVU, speaking on coping for college students (and everybody)
October 23rd - District Governor Mike Wells
October 30th - Roundtable

Report of Provo Rotary Meeting Held October 2, 2014

President-Elect David Rogers conducted today's meeting.  Jill Moon lead the singing of the Nation Anthem and conducted the Pledge of Allegiance with Ron Roberts accompanying the National Anthem on the piano.  Following the pledge, Tyler Vigue gave the opening prayer. We then sang "Happy Birthday" to no one in particular, as there were no Rotarians with birthdays in October.

Charlotte Clark was then inducted as a new member, and she introduced herself to the group.  Several other items of business were discussed, including the receipts closing from last year, a board meeting next week, and that the club still had seven park benches.  A trip to Japan in January was also discussed.

Guests were introduced, and the Chaplain, Vic Ludlow, made no report.  Tom Sawyer handled Sergeant duties.


Speaker Terri Sawyer spoke on Rotary Youth Exchange, and the different programs that were and are available.  She described the costs (a significant savings over traditional foreign exchanges) and the benefits that it provided.  She pointed out that it had been since 2007 that the Provo Rotary had last participated in sending out a youth.  She announced a meeting for those interested in knowing more.  Katrina, a Czech student, spoke about her experiences and the aspects of being on an exchange that she most enjoyed.

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