Bulletin for April 27 to May 17, 2012

Steve Densley and Utah Senator John Valentine
Upcoming Provo Rotary Luncheon Programs and Events

May 17: Brent Adams from the BYU Computer Science Animation Center.

May 24: Dr. Shane Schvaneveldt, Weber State Professor of Management, "The Triple Bottom Line for Business." Learn of the recent paradigm shift in business from reluctant compliance to eager pursuit of financial advantages in environmental policies.

May 31: Mayor Jim Evans, City of Orem.

June 7: NO LUNCHEON MEETING at Riverside Country Club.

June 7: Annual Girls Night party with dinner at the BYU Skyroom followed by the play Arabian Nights.


June 14: Doug Carlisle, Varian Medical Systems (SLC), will relate how his medium-sized company of 700 employees saved $24,020,000 in a short time with the help of one inexperienced sustainability coordinator.

Rotary in Pictures for the Past Three Weeks
Photos courtesy of Jim Calder
Blair Giles
Carol Walker
Curtis Hoehne and Dr. Vaughn Park
Dale Jackson
Riverside Country Club dinner buffet
Dr. Les Smith
Frank Gardner and Sen. John Valentine
I Pledge Allegiance...
Janet Russon
Jeff Alexander and Carol Walker
District Governor Jerry Summerhays
Jill Moon
Julie Bolton, John Valentine
Kevin Fayles & Steve Densley
LeeAnn Powell and Ron Pugh
Linda Pemberton
Madison Parker, Gov. Summerhays
Mayor John Curtis, Steve Densley
Rotary Memorabilia
Rotary Memorabilia
Mike Jacobsen & Greg Hudnall
Nathan Beesley & Bruce Gilchrist
Phil Marriott and Darrell Jenkins
Ray Beckham
Rick Hood
Ron Pugh and Chief Rick Gregory
Stan Miller and Ann Calder
Steve Sabins and Linda Pemberton
Strat Wendelboe and Danny Prager
Tom Powell

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