Bulletin for April 13-19, 2012

Bob Kitrell, today's presenter, with Julie Bolton

Upcoming Provo Rotary Luncheon Programs and Events

April 19: William Black, president of RI Training, speaking about stress and change management, strengthening business and family relationships.

April 26: Utah Senator John Valentine reporting on the recently completed legislative session.

May 3: Kevin Fayles, Community Relations Manager, Envision Utah.

Wednesday evening, May 9: New Member Introduction banquet at Riverside.

May 17: Brent Adams from the BYU Computer Science Animation Center.

May 24: Mayor Jim Evans, City of Orem.

May 31:  Dr. Shane Schvaneveldt, Weber State Professor of Management, will describe the recent paradigm shift in business from reluctant compliance to eager pursuit of financial advantages in environmental policies.

June 7: Annual Girls Night party with dinner at the BYU Skyroom followed by the play Arabian Nights.

June 14: Doug Carlisle, Varian Medical Systems (SLC),  will relate how his medium-sized company of 700 employees saved $24,020,000 in a short time with the help of one inexperienced sustainability coordinator. 

Report of the Provo Rotary Luncheon Meeting held April 12, 2012

Linda Palmer
Today's luncheon meeting was held at Riverside Country Club. President Steve Densley conducted. Jill Moon and Ron Roberts handled the music and singing. Linda Palmer offered an invocation.
Frank and Norma Gardner
     Guests included William Black, guest of Julie Bolton; Norma Gardner, wife of Frank; Jeremy Marsh with Red Cross Blood Services; and Kayla Hernandez of Flickinger and Sutterfield, guest of Jill Moon.
     Vaughn Park reminded everyone of District Conference coming up June 1-2 at Zermatt. Registration is online.
     Matching funds are available for anyone who wishes to become a Paul Harris Fellow or to gift a PHF to a friend or family member.
     Paul Warner reported that Doc Hansen is in the hospital with pneumonia.
Ron Roberts entertains weekly
     President Steve Densley reminded everyone of the upcoming membership dinner Wednesday evening, May 9 at Riverside. It will be the regular club meeting for that week. Bring a friend as a potential new member.
     Greg Hudnall served as sergeant raising a few dollars for the club's foundation.
     Julie Bolton introduced Bob Kitrell, a motivational speaker, who talked animatedly about memory improvement. He gave a tremendously entertaining presentation.

Bob Kirell

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