Weekly Bulletin for February 24 to March 1, 2012

Ann Calder, wife of Rotary Jim Calder, with speaker Clark Gilbert,
President and CEO of Deseret News Publishing and Deseret Digital Media.

Upcoming Provo Rotary Luncheon Meetings and Events

March 1: Chief Rick Gregory, Provo City Police Chief

March 8: Wayne Parker, Chief Administrative Office for Provo City, 
speaking about the new Utah County Convention Center
March 15: Gary Garrett, Vice-president for Community Relations for Nu Skin, 
speaking about the new Nu Skin building
March 22: Todd Mckee, Principal of Timpview High School
and Jeff Schoonover, Principal of Provo High School
March 29: Greg Hudnall, Student Services Director for Provo School District, 
speaking about suicide in Utah
Report of the Weekly Luncheon Meeting held February 23, 2012

Today's meeting was held at Riverside Country Club. President Steve Densley conducted. Ron Roberts played dinner music and accompanied the singing of the Anthem. Jill Moon lead the singing and the Pledge. Dan Ellertson offered an invocation.
Jim Calder introduced his wife Ann who is visiting today.
President Steve Densley commented on the menu for today's buffet -- Mardi Gras food in honor of that event this week: jumbalaya, steamed okra, fried catfish, chard, etc.

Andy Anderson and Clark Gilbert.
Andy Anderson distributed free tickets to the final UVU home basketball game noting that this championship team has won their last eleven games.
President Steve Densley noted some changes to the Rotary District 5420 (Utah) Manual of Procedures and asked club members to approve them. They did.
      Jim Calder introduced today's speaker, Clark Gilbert, President and CEO of Deseret News Publishing Company and Deseret Digital Media. Clark is the son of Paul and Susal Gilbert, and Jim noted with some pride that he is married to his daughter Kathryn and is the father of seven of Jim and Ann's grandchildren.
      Clark was a Harvard University professor for many years then Executive Vice-President of BYU Idaho before moving to his present assignment.
      Clark spoke passionately about the hyper-growth of Deseret Media's websites:


The mission of these companies is to reach hundreds of millions of people worldwide with a voice of family and faith, hoping to unite and influence like-minded people to rally together for the common good.

Clark Gilbert and
Strat Wendelboe
He also spoke about the spectacular growth of the Deseret News print editions, a trend that is the opposite of most print newspapers. The Deseret News has recently launched a national edition which will be distributed in many large metro areas around the US.

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