Bulletin for December 2-8, 2011

From left, Provo Rotarian Don Jarvis, Kevin Garlick, Energy Director for Provo City Power,
and Provo Rotarians Steve Sabins and Vaughn Park.

Upcoming Provo Rotary Luncheon Meetings and Events

December 8: David Hall, President of Novatek, speaking about New Vista, a local econosystem. Visit www.newvistas.com
December 15: Annual Club Christmas Party at Riverside Country Club
December 22 and December 29: No meetings. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Report of the Weekly Luncheon Meeting held November 17, 2011

Today's luncheon meeting was held at Riverside Country Club dinner music and singing accompanyment provided by Ron Roberts. President Steve Densley conducted. An invocation was offered by Steve Royster.
     Quent Bates introduced his guest Scott Kirkland. Scott is general manager of Riverside Country Club and Quent's son-in-law. Greg Hudnall introduced his guest Cathy Bledsoe. Trent Mano of Northwestern Mutual Life was visiting.
     Scott Miller distributed information about children in the Provo area who are in need of clothing as part of United Way's annual Sub-for Santa program. If you wish to "adopt" a child this Christmas and provide clothing and other items, please contact Scott.
     President Steve Densley spoke about the annual Provo Rotary Christmas Party coming up December 15 and invited Rotarians to sign-up on sheets located on each table. More than fifty people signed-up.

Provo Rotary President Steve Densley (left) presents a check for
$600 to Glen Zaugg for benefit of Heritage Schools
Residential Treatment Center. Also pictured is Stan Miller.

     President Steve Densley recently initiated a donation from the Provo Rotary Charitable Foundation of sixty coats to children in the Provo School District who didn't own a warm coat. Greg Hudnall reported that the coats were recently distributed by the school principals amidst much gratitude and many tears.
     Vic Ludlow reported on plans for club meetings in January. Riverside Country Club will be closed the first two weeks of January so we'll go on a couple of field trips to the Provo Airport and take a tour of the new BYU Broadcasting building. President Cecil O. Samuelson of BYU, a fellow Provo Rotarian, will speak to us later in January.
     Andy Anderson is recovering from surgery earlier this week to correct a brain aneurysm.

    Greg Hudnall served as sergeant recognizing Mike Jacobsen whose photo was in the LDS Church News last weekend with former BYU football coach LaVell Edwards.

Kevin Garlick
     Don Jarvis introduced today's speaker Kevin Garlick, Energy Director for Provo City Power (PCP) since 1997. PCP was established in 1940 by vote of the citizens of Provo. Its goals are to provide competitive rates, reliable and safe power, and competent customer service support.
     Recently PCP instituted a conservation program of graduated rates based on the level of energy consumption in a month. Most residential consumers use 600-1,200 KwH per month.
     Using funds received from a recent federal grant, PCP has added bike lanes to many city streets to encourage reduction in use of fossil fuels. Street lights are being changed to high-efficiency LED lights. Red/Yellow/Green stop lights are also being changed to LED lights to reduce energy usage.
     Some Provo residents have installed solar cells on their homes or places of business. Meters are available to measure energy returned to the power grid from solar cells.
     10% of utility bill revenue goes into the Provo City general fund. Last year it was more than $6 million.
     Presidential Parable: If people concentrated on the really important thngs in life, there would be a real shortage of fishing poles.

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