Bulletin for September 2-8, 2011

Speaker Illens Dort (left) with Provo Rotarian Ben Guffey.

Upcoming Provo Rotary Luncheon Meetings and Events

September 8: Provo Mayor John Curtis

September 15: Annual Provo Rotary Golf Party at Wasatch Mountain State park Sept 22: United Way Report. Speaker Bill Hulterstrom

September 29: Speaker James Endrizzi of KeyBank about the current lending environment

December 1:  Kevin Garlick, Head of Provo City Power, speaking on cost-effective initiatives at PCP.

December 8:  David Hall, President of Novatek, speaking about his innovative firm and its Vista program for efficient housing.

Provo Rotary Social Schedule for 2011

September 15: Annual Club Golf Party at Wasatch Mountain State Park

December 15: Annual Club Christmas Party at Riverside Country Club

Report of the Weekly Luncheon Meeting held September 1, 2011

Today's luncheon meeting was held at Riverside Country Club -- the first meeting since Riverside opened its new clubhouse. President Steve Densley conducted with Ron Roberts at the piano and Jill Moon leading the crowd in singing the Anthem and reciting the Pledge.     
     Ben Guffey introduced the speaker Illens Dort, founder of a charity called International Aid Serving Kids. He commented that humanitarian service is uplifting to communities around the world and bless all mankind. He showed a video of a medical/dental humanitarian service project in he Dominican Republic in which 1,774 patients were treated in four days.

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