Bulletin for August 12-18, 2011

Phil Barker, Provo Rotarian and lead attorney for the Utah Valley Healthcare Foundation.

Upcoming Provo Rotary Luncheon Meetings and Events

August 25: Roger Connors, author of The Oz Principle

September 1: - I Ask 4 Kids, speaker Illens Dort

September 15: Annual Provo Rotary Golf Party at Wasatch Mountain State park

Sept 22: United Way Report. Speaker Bill Hulterstrom

September 29: Speaker James Endrizzi of KeyBank about the current lending environment

Provo Rotary Social Schedule for 2011

September 15: Annual Club Golf Party at Wasatch Mountain State Park

December 15: Annual Club Christmas Party at Riverside Country Club

Report of the Weekly Luncheon Meeting held August 18, 2011

Today's luncheon meeting was held at the the Provo Downtown Marriott Hotel. President Steve Densley conducted with Ron Roberts at the piano and Jill Moon leading the crowd in singing the Anthem and reciting the Pledge. Vic Ludlow offered an invocation.
Guests included Gary Moon, husband of Jill Moon, Elizabeth Beesley, wife of Nathan Beesley, and three visitors from the Ascione law firm: Craig Chambers, Leyah Valgardson and John Erbstoesser.
President Steve Densley reported on a visit to the newly completed Riverside Country Club clubhouse which will open soon. The space available for Rotary is upstairs in an undersized area. After discussion the club voted to meet there for a few weeks beginning September 1 and see how it feels.
Andy Anderson served as sergeant.
Ray Beckham introduced our own Phil Barker, a attorney specializing in charitable giving with the Utah Valley Healthcare Foundation. He presented an overview of several types of legal vehicles available to help plan for the financial future of one's heirs.

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