Weekly Bulletin for June 10-16, 2011

Upcoming Luncheon Programs and Events
June 16: Our own Provo Rotarian Alan Blom speaking about Isaiah
MONDAY, June 20: Rotary Festival Classic Golf Tourney Barbecue, 12:45 p.m. at Riverside
June 23: No luncheon meeting. Evening Boys Night at the ball park.
June 30: New Office Installations

Provo Rotary Social Schedule for 2011

June 20: Annual Rotary Festival Classic Golf Tournament, Riverside Country Club
June 23: Annual Boys Night at the ballpark, Orem Owlz v Casper Ghosts
August 4: Annual adult summer party at Jolley's Ranch
September 15: Annual golf party at Wasatch Mountain State Park
December 15: Annual Christmas party at Riverside Country Club

Report of the Weekly Luncheon Meeting held June 9, 2011

Today's meeting was held at the Provo Downtown Marriott Hotel with president-elect nominee Vaughn Park conducting. Dinner music was provided by Ron Roberts. Jill Moon lead the singing of the anthem and the pledge. An invocation was offered by Jack May.

It was announced that Ben Guffey's wife had a baby boy early this morning. Mother and baby are doing fine.

Guests introduced included Eddie Nunez of AAA who is transfering from the Draper club to the Provo club. High school scholarship recipient from Independence High School, and District Governor-elect Rick Cambria.

EVERYONE in the club is invited to attend the MONDAY Rotary luncheon on June 20, 2011 at Riverside Country Club under a lovely canopy on the golf course as part of the annual Rotary Festival Classic. We'll be eating Riverside's famous steak and salmon barbecue. Be there by 12:45 for lunch and the festivities. And if you want to golf, there is still a little room. This will take the place of the regular weekly club luncheon usually held on Thursdays.

The annual Boys Night family party will be held Thursday evening, June 23, 6:00 p.m. at the Orem Owlz Ball Park at UVU. Each Rotarian and a guest are invited to attend at no charge. Other guests will be $15 each which includes the hamburger and hot dog barbecue and game admission as the Orem Owlz take on the Casper Ghosts. Sign-up at Rotary next week.

Greg Hudnall served as sergeant raising money for the Provo Rotary Charitable Foundation and auctioning the last hand-made quilt from Tamara Tolley which went to Rick Hood.

Stan Miller introduced Wally Brown, past District Governor, who spoke about Shelter Boxes, a unique project started by Rotarians. A shelter box is a large plastic tub with a tight lid which is filled with a large 3-bedroom tent, cooking stove, pots and pans, utensils, a few tools, water purification supplies, blankets, and a variety of other survival items which can take care of a family of 6-8 people in times of disaster. After the earthquake in Haiti the Shelter Box Foundation sent 57,000 shelter boxes providing supplies for 300,000 people.

A donation of $1,000 provides a box, shipping anywhere in the world, and helps support a very small staff of people who run the foundation. For more information long on to:


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